Essential Question

What is the most important thing to know in the diagnosis of infectious disease?
Victoria M.
North House
Senior Topic: Infectious Diseases

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What I've Learned So Far

1) What have you learned how to do since you started working on your senior project?
    I have learned what different aspects deal with diseases and effect diseases. I also learned what defines an infectious disease and what makes them so infectious. I learned more about diseases as a whole. I also learned different ways that diseases can be transmitted.

2) The clip on video on E Coli from Animal Planet this was a video of the E Coli. outbreak and how it was now transmitted through being inside an egg instead of in the meat of the chicken.

3) What research helped you to do this and how?
I think the most important research that helped me a lot was the book Pandemonium, the book helped me because it specified on different outbreaks throughout the world, it led me through what happened in the days of the outbreaks and where it started. Like how the Avian Flu started in China, most likely deep into the meat markets.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

 1.)  I am very indecisive so I have three ideas for my Independent Component:
  • I plan on  volunteering at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Fontana. I am hoping on working in the emergency room where most infectious diseases are found, if not I think I will be helping with patients in the hospital. With this I want to do my service learning as well.
  • I plan on doing extensive research on my topic and going more into depth of what each disease is caused by, its symptoms, its relations to areas or other diseases ect.
  • I plan on taking a college class at Cal-Poly, the Microbiology Lab, so I can learn more about the study of microorganisms, and the role the play in the enivornment and how the disease process is.
  • This will meet my 30 minute requirement because I will be clocking in the hours of how long I will be volunteering there. Also I plan on volunteering twice a week, and volunteering for 5 hours each day.  
  • I will clock the hours of research I do, with the note-taking and the reading. I also believe that I will meet the 30 hour requirement, because I will be looking up disease after disease, and reading intensely on each disease. Knowing that there are thousands of disease I am sure that I won't run out of research or new things to learn.
  • I will meet the the 30 hour mark because I will try and take Microbiology Lab at Cal-Poly, where the class goes for almost three hours every day, twice a week. And from that I will do my work as well for the class adding more time, for me to put.
3. This relates to my EQ, because;
  • This relates to my EQ because I learn how to interact with sick people, and that will help me see how seeing a patient's symptoms, on the outside, help a diagnosis. I will also learn how to be more careful around people and to listen more carefully when they speak. This is essential when you listen to a patients complaints and past medical history. My second interview taught me that medical history is very significant in diagnosing a disease.
  • This relates to my EQ because it helps me learn more about diseases, with this I will have knowledge of more disease helping me understand, what is essential on knowing to diagnosis a disease.
  • This relates to my EQ , because to know how to diagnosis an infectious disease, you need the basis knowledge of how microbiology works, and what causes the microorganisms to wreak so much havoc in a body.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Defining the Essential Question

  1.  What is the most important skill to have when diagnosing an infectious disease?
  2. Skill-A particular or specific ability, diagnosing-identifying a medical illness by examining symptoms, infectious disease- a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact, usually extremely contagious.
  3. An acquired knowledge of diseases, problem-solving skills, an open mind, and quick thinking.
  4. My most important sources would be a book and a television show, because they give me a very specific look/information on how diseases infect/affect the body and what causes them. My first book would be Pandemonium, by Andrew Nikiforuk, and my second source is a television show called "Killer Outbreaks" by Ali Moghadas.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Second Interview Questions

My interview questions will be somewhat vague because I am still trying to decide what I specifically want to study. My interview questions are;
  1. What in your opinion is the most important factor in solving a epidemiological case/diagnosing a disease?
  2. What is the one thing that people do now that makes the transmission of  diseases so much easier and much more powerful?
  3. What made you want to go into this profession/study disease/go into epidemiology?
  4. Do you have a favorite disease( to study) if so, what is it, and why?
  5. Have you ever gotten an infectious disease or have been part of a disease outbreak?
  6. Which skills are needed to be an epidemiologist/infectious disease doctor?