Essential Question

What is the most important thing to know in the diagnosis of infectious disease?
Victoria M.
North House
Senior Topic: Infectious Diseases

Monday, October 10, 2011

Defining the Essential Question

  1.  What is the most important skill to have when diagnosing an infectious disease?
  2. Skill-A particular or specific ability, diagnosing-identifying a medical illness by examining symptoms, infectious disease- a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact, usually extremely contagious.
  3. An acquired knowledge of diseases, problem-solving skills, an open mind, and quick thinking.
  4. My most important sources would be a book and a television show, because they give me a very specific look/information on how diseases infect/affect the body and what causes them. My first book would be Pandemonium, by Andrew Nikiforuk, and my second source is a television show called "Killer Outbreaks" by Ali Moghadas.

1 comment:

  1. What is the most important to know in the diagnosis of infectious disease? I think you are probably most wanting to learn about infectious disease and how to diagnose, right? You aren't going to research that if you are looking at skills. You have to look at information about diseases. Let me know what you think.
